Boustead Plantations Berhad - page 44

Dato’ Mohzani Abdul Wahab is the Senior Independent
Non-Executive Director. Any concerns regarding
the Group may be conveyed to him. The Senior
Independent Director serves as the point of contact
between the Independent Directors and the Chairman
on sensitive issues and act as a designated contact to
whom shareholders’ concerns or queries may be
The terms of the appointment of Directors include the
procedures for dealing with conflict of interest and the
availability of independent professional advice. The
Board believes that the current size and composition is
appropriate for its purpose, and is satisfied that the
current Board composition fairly reflects the interest
of minority shareholders within the Group.
The Board acknowledges the importance of board
diversity, including gender diversity. The Board
believes that for it to function effectively, the requisite
skills, experience, knowledge and independence is
vital, regardless of gender. Although no specific target
has been set, the Board is mindful that any gender
representation should be for the best interest of the
Board meetings are held at quarterly intervals with
additional meetings convened for particular matters,
when necessary. The Board records its deliberations, in
terms of issues discussed, and the conclusions in
discharging its duties and responsibilities. All Directors
are fully briefed in advance of Board meetings on the
matters to be discussed and have access to any further
information they may require.
The number of meetings of the Board and Board
Committees held during the year were:
Board of Directors
4 meetings
Audit Committee
4 meetings
Nominating Committee
1 meeting
Remuneration Committee
1 meeting
The composition of the Board and the attendance of each Director at the Board meetings held during the financial
year are as follows:
Name of Director
Status of Directorship
of Meetings
Gen. Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd Ghazali
Non-Executive Chairman
Hj. Che Mat (R)
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lodin
Non-Executive Vice Chairman
Wok Kamaruddin
Datuk Zakaria Sharif
Non-Executive Director
Dato’ Mohzani Abdul Wahab
Senior Independent
Non-Executive Director
Maj. Gen. Dato’ Hj. Khairuddin
Non-Executive Director
Abu Bakar (R) J.P.
Dr. Raja Abdul Malek Raja Jallaludin
Non-Executive Director
statement o n co rpo r ate g overnan ce
Bo ustead plantati o ns Berhad
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