The Company has adopted educational/training programs to update the Board in relation to new developments
pertaining to the laws and regulations and changing commercial riskswhichmay affect theBoard and/or theCompany.
All Board members are also encouraged to attend training programs conducted by highly competent professionals
that are relevant to the Company’s operations and businesses. All Directors have successfully completed the
Mandatory Accreditation Programme prescribed by Bursa Malaysia. The Directors will continue to attend other
relevant training programmes to keep abreast with developments on a continuous basis in compliance with the
MMLR. Trainings attended by the Directors during the year are as follows:
Course Title and Organiser
Gen. Tan Sri Dato’
Mohd Ghazali Hj. Che
Mat (R)
Maximising Board Effectiveness Through A Strong Board
Risk Oversight Role - Beyond Financial Performance
(Bursatra Sdn Bhd)
Half day talk on:
Budget 2016
Anti Money Laundering
Cybercriminals in the financial services sector
(Affin Holdings Berhad and PricewaterhouseCoopers)
2 October 2015
3 December 2015
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lodin
Wok Kamaruddin
Affin Hwang Capital Conference Series 2015: Navigating
Through Turbulent Times (Affin Hwang Investment Bank
2nd Distinguished Board Leadership Series - Board’s
Strategic Leadership Innovation & Growth In Uncertain
Times (FIDE Forum)
The World Capital Markets Symposium (WCMS) 2015
- Markets And Technology: Driving Future Growth through
Innovation (Securities Commission Malaysia)
Capital Market Directors Training Programme (CDMP) 2015
- Module 2A: Business Challenges and Regulatory
Expectations: What Directors need to know: Equities &
Future Broking
– Module 4: Current and Emerging Regulatory Issues in the
Capital Market (SIDC)
- Module 1: Directors as Gatekeepers of Market Participants
– Module 2B: Business Challenges and Regulatory
Expectations – What Directors Need to Know (Fund
Management) (SIDC)
- Module 3: Risk & Compliance Oversight - Action Plan For
Board of Directors
10 February 2015
21 May 2015
3 September 2015
29 September
2 October 2015
5 October 2015
7 October 2015
20 October 2015
statement o n co rpo r ate g overnan ce
Bo ustead plantati o ns Berhad
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