Boustead Plantations Berhad (BPB) is an
established and experienced upstream oil palm
plantation company in Malaysia. As a listed
subsidiary of Boustead Holdings Berhad, one
of Malaysia’s oldest and largest diversified
conglomerates, BPB is backed by over 100 years
of experience in plantation management and
more than 50 years in oil palm plantation estate
We have a total of 41 oil palm
plantation estates in the
country, with 20 in Peninsular
Malaysia and 21 in East Malaysia.
Additionally, our operations
include 10 palm oil mills with
four in Peninsular Malaysia
and six in East Malaysia. Our
total land bank encompasses
over 83,000 ha. We are also
involved in oil palm agricultural
and agronomic research via
our associate research arm,
Applied Agricultural Resources
Sdn Bhd.
Bo ustead plantati o ns Berhad