Financial Performance
Boustead Plantations Berhad’s profit for
the year under review stood at RM95
million compared with the previous year’s
RM90 million.
The Group’s results for this year included
gains on disposal of non-core land
amounting to RM57 million. The disposal
was part of our continuous drive to unlock
the value of our land bank which is non-
essential to our core business.
Operationally, the Group’s results for the
year were mainly impacted by lower palm
product prices.
We are committed to enhancing
shareholder value and to this end, we
will be paying out a total dividend of
13 sen per share for the financial year.
This represents a cumulative pay-out of
RM208 million.
Dear Shareholder,
As we complete our first
full year of operations since
listing, we have once again
proven our resilience with
a sound profit despite the
challenging year it has been
for the commodities sector.
Earnings per share ended at 4.9 sen and
net assets was RM1.36 per share, while
market capitalisation as at 31 December
2015 was RM2.4 billion. Our gearing ratio
stood at 0.4 times.
Commencing the year at RM2,283 per
metric tonne (MT), CPO prices hovered
between RM2,076 and RM2,400
throughout the first half of the year
before dropping sharply to RM1,834 per
MT in August.
CPO prices were impacted by the
abundance of edible oil globally
combined with strong CPO production
from Malaysia and Indonesia, demand
deceleration, inability to achieve biodiesel
consumption objectives and the milder
than expected El Nino phenomenon.
CPOprices rallied to a high of RM2,445 per
MT in October as a result of a moderate
increase in export demand. The increase
was attributed to consumer reaction to
the predicted dry weather cutting down
output throughout Southeast Asia.
Profit Before
an n ual repo rt 2015